Our Team


Dr. Joseph Shea

Associate Professor of Environmental Geomatics at the University of Northern British Columbia. MOSH Lab lead and principal investigator. Mountain glaciers, snowpacks, meteorology, and remote sensing.


Dr. Brian Menounos

Professor of Geography at UNBC, and Canada Research Chair in Glacier Change. Remote sensing of glacier change.

Dr. Walter Immerzeel

Professor of Geosciences at Utrecht University, Netherlands. Himalayan hydrology, remote sensing, modelling.

Sara Darychuk

PhD candidate at UNBC. Research area: SAR applications for snowmelt monitoring and river forecasting.

Alison Bishop

MSc candidate at UNBC. Research area: LiDAR snow retrievals in forested coastal watersheds

Dr. Valentina Radic

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences at UBC. Glacier energy and mass balance.

Vanessa Foord

Climatologist, Government of British Columbia. Mountain meteorology, climate change.

Dr. Stephen Dery

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Northern Hydrometeorology at UNBC. Alpine meteorology, climate change, snow.

Sergio Gallegos

M.Sc. candidate at UNBC. Research topic: Winter snow depth characteristics and variability, Lajoie Basin, British Columbia.

Samiullah Sofizada

PhD student at UNBC. Research area: community adaptation to changing mountain snowpacks and geohazards in the Robson Valley

Mackenzie Ostberg

MA student (UNBC). Research area: Community adaptation and resilience to geohazards in the Robson Valley.

Former Students and Members

Rulan Xiao (MSc, 2023)

Mackenzie MacLean (BSc, 2023)

Kevin Ostapowich (MSc, 2022)

Dr. Anna Chesnokova (PDF, 2021-2022)

Dr. Kriti Mukherjee (PDF, 2020-2022)