Hidden Figures: Racism and Whiteness in the Canadian Academy

The Hidden Figures research project seeks to explore the way racism and Whiteness occur in the social and natural sciences. More specifically, this project also seeks to understand how both racism and Whiteness can impact the ways in which BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Persons of Colour) scientists contribute to knowledge creation as well as the ways that their knowledge is distributed.

With team members from McMaster University, the University of Northern British Columbia, and the University of Calgary, this project will employ several methods to examine this these issues, including syllabi analysis, interviews with BIPOC scientists, and lab ethnographies.

  • Dr. Akalya Kandiah (PDF, McMaster University)

  • Dr. Nathan Andrews (PI, McMaster University)

  • Dr. Annie Duchesne (co-PI, UNBC)

  • Dr. Malinda Smith (co-PI, UCalgary)

  • Dr. Joseph Shea (co-PI, UNBC)

Project webpage: www.hiddenfigurescanada.org